IBAC - Brazil banner



Activities schedule

Sunday 10
09h00-19h00: Registration
19h00: Official opening, President's address, dinner and show

Monday 11
08h00-09h30: Mini-Courses
09h30-10h00: Coffee-break
10h00-12h30: Symposium IV. The use of learned vocalizations: from birdsong to speech
12h30-14h00: Lunch
14h00-15h30: Keynote lecture: Innateness and the instinct to learn, by Dr. Peter Marler
15h30-16h00: Coffee-break
16h00-18h30: Symposium VI. Brain and peripheric mechanisms for vocal communication in bats and birds
18h30-20h00: Round-table discussion: Whistles and communication

Tuesday 12
08h00-09h30: Mini-Courses
09h30-10h00: Coffee-break
10h00-12h30: Symposium III. The coding of species-specific and individual characteristics in animal sounds
12h30-14h00: Lunch
14h00-15h30: Poster presentation
15h30-16h00: Coffee-break
16h00-18h30: Symposium VII. Recording and archiving animal sounds
18h30-20h00: Round-table discussion: Publications in bioacoustics

Wednesday 13
05h00-19h00: Mid-congress excursion
20h00-22h00: Dinner

Thursday 14
08h00-09h30: Mini-Courses
09h30-10h00: Coffee-break
10h00-12h30: Symposium I. Environmental constraints and acoustic communication network activities
12h30-14h00: Lunch
14h00-16h00: Oral communications
16h00-16h30: Coffee-break
16h30-19h00: Symposium VIII. How to analyze and measure complex bird songs?
19h00-20h00: IBAC AGM

Friday 15
08h00-09h30: Mini-Courses
09h30-10h00: Coffee-break
10h00-12h30: Symposium II. Techniques and methods for automated bioacoustic signal identification
12h30-14h00: Lunch
14h00-16h00: Symposium V. Bioacoustics and Biodiversity
16h00-16h30: Coffee-break
16h30-17h00: Closing session

19h00: Departure of the Post-Congress excursion

Annual General Meeting
to be held during the 19th International Bioacoustics Congress, Belém, Brazil
Thursday 14th August 2003, 19h00-20h00

All symposium participants are urged to join this short meeting and help to plan the future of IBAC.

1. Honorary Secretary's opening statement

2. Minutes of the last AGM (Cogne, Italy, 2001) and matters arising

3. Election of Executive Committee members
The committee has a maximum of 6 members who currently are: Gianni Pavan (Italy; Chairman), Richard Ranft (UK; Honorary Secretary), Thierry Aubin (France), Matija Gogala (Slovenia), Hong Yan (USA) and Michael Fine (USA).

4. Proposals for future International Bioacoustics Congresses
It is recommended that proposals are first discussed with one of the committee members in advance of the meeting.

5. Other business

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Last modification: Jul, 16, 2003


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