XXI IBAC Symposium
Pavia, Italy, September 15-18, 2007
Pavia 2007 (photo: P. Sellar)
deadline for papers for published proceedings: 30 April 2008
Information on the congress is published below and on the CIBRA web page: www.unipv.it/cibra/xxi_ibac.html
Please visit the CIBRA site for the very latest updates.
Palazzo San Tommaso, Via Siro Comi, Piazza del Lino 2, ground floor, Aula G1
The XXI International Bioacoustic Congress was held in the historical buildings of the University of Pavia, Italy, where Spallanzani in the 18th century studied the ability of bats to fly in the dark. The Congress was organized, for the third time, by CIBRA, the Interdisciplinary Center for Bioacoustics and Environmental Research.
During the Congress the 2nd European workshop on animal sound research and libraries was held. The workshop was organized by CIBRA for the European Network of Bioacoustic Collections for Taxonomy, Systematics and Conservation within the frame of the EDIT (European Distributed Institute for Taxonomy) EEC Project. The network was created based on the agreement of experts who attended the 1st workshop at the Fonoteca Zoologica (Madrid), 27-30 September 2006, to foster cooperation among institutions, researchers and interested amateurs to safeguard animal sound recordings and to optimise their use as a resource for research and nature conservation.
The Congress was based on thematic symposia that covered both the traditional research areas and new emerging themes:
- General bioacoustics Convenor: G. Pavan et al.
- In-air communication in mammals Convenors: I. Charrier and D. Reby
- Monitoring the Environment: Bioacoustics as a tool for inventory and monitoring of biodiversity Convenors: K. Frommolt et al.
- The impacts of anthropogenic noise Convenors: Y.Yan et al.
- Animal communication networks: from behaviour to brain Convenors: T. Aubin & N. Mathevon
- How to describe, measure and compare complex acoustic communication signals in birds and mammals? (J.Vielliard)
- 2nd European workshop on animal sound research and libraries
More than 120 abstracts were received; more than 70 oral contributes and 40 posters covering almost all bioacoustic topics.
The programme is available here (latest update September 11th 2007).
Organizing Committee
Gianni Pavan, Claudio Fossati, Michele Manghi, Marco Priano, Elisabetta Bernuzzi.
Email address for information ibac@cibra.unipv.it
Selected paper were published in a special double issue of the Bioacoustics journal entitled "Advances in Bioacoustics III".
As the number of presenting authors at the Congress in Pavia was very high, more than 120 contributions were presented, the abstracts will be published online and a selected number of peer-reviewed papers will be published in Bioacoustics.
Each issue holds about 110 pages and thus, depending on the number and length of selected papers, we could publish...
(16-17 pages - each full text page is 400 words)
- or a mix of the two.
Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and ranked according to referee's scores. Papers with highest scores will be selected to fill the number of pages available. Authors will be notified about the results of the ranking process by mid-July 2008. Selected papers will be eventually returned to authors for revision according to the referee's comments. If everything goes well papers should be sent to the Editor at the end of September 2008.
I invite all authors to send their contribution no later than April 30th 2008 to give reviewers enough time to complete the reviews and return the manuscripts before the summer holidays.
Authors who presented a talk in a dedicated session are kindly invited to coordinate their efforts with the session organizers.
Instructions for Authors are available on the web page http://www.bioacoustics.info/mssubmit.html. To make the revision and editing process as short and easy as possible, authors are asked to accurately follow the instructions given.
Abstracts will be published online in .pdf format. Authors are kindly invited to review their own abstracts and to send to the Organizing Committee (ibac@cibra.unipv.it) any correction needed no later than April 30th. Authors willing to withdraw their abstract should write to the Committee no later than April 15th 2008.
Gianni Pavan
How to reach Pavia
Here you find information for reaching Pavia. Details to find the congress location and colleges/hotel locations will come soon.
Scientific Committee
- Richard Ranft, British Library Sound Archive. richard.ranft@bl.uk
- Thierry Aubin, Équipe Communications Acoustiques, NAMC-CNRS, Université Paris Sud. thierry.aubin@u-psud.fr
- Nicolas Mathevon, Université Jean Monnet & Institut universitaire de France, France. nicolas.mathevon@univ-st-etienne.fr
- Isabelle Charrier, Équipe Communications Acoustiques, NAMC-CNRS, Université Paris Sud. isabelle.charrier@u-psud.fr
- Hong Young Yan, Senior Research Fellow, Professor, Institute of Fishery Sciences, National Taiwan University, Sensory Electrophysiology Lab., Institute of Cellular & Organismic Biology, Taiwan National Academy of Sciences (Academia Sinica), Taiwan. hyyan@gate.sinica.edu.tw
- Matija Gogala, Secretary General, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia. matija.gogala@guest.arnes.si
- David A. Helweg, Deputy Center Director, USGS Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center, Hawaii, USA. dhelweg@usgs.gov
- Dietmar Todt, Institute of Biology, Free University of Berlin, Germany. todt@zedat.fu-berlin.de http://www.fu-berlin.de/behavioral-biology/index.htm
- Raphael Marquez, Fonoteca Zoologica, Dept. de Biodiversidad y Biologia Evolutiva, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), Madrid, Spain. rmarquez@mncn.csic.es
- Karl-Heinz Frommolt, Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Curator of the Animal Sound Archive (Tierstimmenarchiv), Germany. karl-heinz.frommolt@rz.hu-berlin.de
- Gianni Pavan, CIBRA, University of Pavia, Italy. gpavan@cibra.unipv.it
- Guido Pinoli, Direttore Parco Pineta di Tradate e Appiano Gentile, Italy. guidopinoli@freemail.it
- Michela Podesta, Curator of Vertebrate Dept., Natural History Museum, Milan, Italy. Michela.Podesta@comune.milano.it