XIV IBAC Symposium
Potsdam, Germany, 19-22 October 1995
Organised by
Dieter Wallschläger
Held at the University of Potsdam, Institute of Ecology and Wildlife Conservation, Potsdam.
Abstracts of papers are published in Bioacoustics 6:69-81
Thursday, 19 October 1995
Arrival and registration
Friday, 20 October 1995
09.00 Opening and welcome
Methods for recording and analysis of bioacoustic signals
09.15 A Sound base for bioacoustic research: The National Sound Archive in London. R. Ranft (London, UK).
09.30 Bioacoustics and SI - quantities and units. S. Wahlström (Karlstad, Sweden)
09.45 Computer-aided analysis of acoustic parameters: new possibilities of signal analysis L. Schrader & K. Hammerschmidt (Berlin, Germany)
10.00 Discussion
10.15 New methods for the recording of very low amplitude signals: application to the analysis of the courtship song of Drosophila genus T. Aubin (Paris, France)
10.30 Analysis of signals from stridulatory organs without any resonance G. Tschuch (Halle/Saale, Germany)
10.45 Monitoring biodiversity with natural sound diversity T. Oba (Chiba, Japan)
11.00 A pilot study for recognition of individual nightjars M. Rebbeck (Bradford, UK)
Ecological aspects of animal communication
12.00 Acoustic communication in shallow water: a field study on the clawed frog, Xenopus l. laevis A. Elephandt (Berlin, Germany)
12.15 Song degradation during propagation: importance of song post for the wren Troglodytes troglodytes N. Mathevon (Paris, France)
12.30 Sound degradation and implications for long distance communication in song birds M. Naguib (Berlin, Germany)
12.45 Ecological bioacoustics of mammals A. Nikolski (Moscow, Russia)
Behavioural aspects of animal communication I
14.15 The study of mammalian sound communication - taking stock G. Peters (Bonn, Germany)
14.30 Whistles as close range emotive signals in wild killer Whales (Orcinus orca) off Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada F. Thomsen (Hamburg, Germany), JKB Ford (Vancouver, Canada) & D. Frank (Hamburg, Germany)
14.45 Vocalisation of Pinnipeds during agonistic behaviour T. Lisizyna (Moscow, Russia)
Excursion to the Crane roost near Linum
Behavioural aspects of animal communication II
18.30 Analysis and spectrograms of Redshank (Tringa tetanus) L. Ferdinand (Roskilde, Denmark)
18.45 Acoustic communication between pair-mates and siblings in Spectacled Parrotlets (Forpus conspicillatus) R. Wanker (Hamburg, Germany)
19.00 Function of the song in Lesser Whitethroat (Sylvia curruca) I. Klit (Aarhus, Denmark)
19.30 Discussion: The future of IBAC
Saturday, 21 October
Technical demonstrations
08.30 Two channel real-time analysis on a portable PC G. Pavan & M. Manghi (Pavia, Italy)
08.45 Avisoft-Sonagraph Pro -sonagraphic analysis under windows R. Specht (Berlin, Germany)
09.00 New opportunities in electronic spreading of bioacoustie information M. Manghi, G. Pavan, M, Priano & A. Ghezzi (Pavia, Italy).
Poster discussion with coffee
Behavioural aspects of animal communication III
10.00 Communication by falsetto G. Tembrock (Berlin, Germany)
10.15 Bioacoustic survey of cicadas M. Gogala (Lubljana, Slovenia) & A. Popov (St. Petersburg, Russia)
10.30 Dialect systems of micro-populations of the Scarlet Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus) G. Steidel (Potsdam)
10.45 The current state of bioacoustical phylogeny J. Vielliard (Campinas, Brazil)
11.45 Excursion to the nature reserve Untere-Havel, visit the wildlife station Buckow (Great Bustard), and birdwatching to the goose roost Lake Gulpen (Bean Goose, White-fronted Goose)
At Buckow on the excursion. L to R: Dieter Wallschlager, Gunnar Steidel
Great Bustard (Otis tarda) specimen in Buckow laboratory
Sunday 22 October 1995
10.00 Visit to the laboratories of the Institute of Animal Behaviour at Freie Universät Berlin
13.00 Visit to the Library of Animal Sounds at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin
01. Repertoire and colouration (carotenoid pigmentation) in the Linnet (Carduelis cannabina) T. Balsby (Aarhus, Denmark)
02. Computer-aided acoustic analysis of complex bird song J. Böhner & K. Hammerschmidt (Berlin, Germany)
03. Hydroacoustical investigations on Pipa carvalhoi H. Heuwinkel & G. Bünten (Dusseldorf, Germany)
04. The organisation of the male canary song M. Kreutzer (Paris, Fance)
05. Ultrasonic emission in two genera of neotropical ants (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Ponerinae) M. Priano, G. Pavan, P. de Carli, J.P. Lachaud, A, Fanfani & M. Giovanotti (Pavia; Toulouse; Chipas; Roma; Venezia)
06. Cooperative bioacoustic research in the Mediterranean Sea with the Italian Navy G. Pavan, D. Nascetti, M. Manghi, M. Priana, C. Fossati & F. Borsani (Pavia; Roma; Venezia, Italy)
07. Ultrasonic vocalisation by infant mice in different contexts: a sonographic analysis D. Santucci, I. Branchi & E. Alleva (Roma, Italy)
08. Vocal behaviour of dolphins in the context of passing physical barriers B. Fritsch, H. Hultsch & D. Todt (Berlin, Germany)
09. Laughter response to tickling: a comparitive approach J Skirl & D. Todt (Berlin, Germany)
10. Ontogenesis of the time structure in the nightingale song S. Wendlandt (Berlin, Germany)
11. Chaffinch song in western and southern Poland A. Wistel-Wozniak & J. Böhner (Berlin, Germany)
12. Geographic variation in the song of the Scarlet Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus) H.-W. Helb (Kaiserslautern, Germany) & D. Wallschläger (Potsdam, Germany)
13. Sound communication of Curassows (Cracidae) P. Hansch & D. Wallschläger (Potsdam, Germany).
14. Hormonal regulation of the male sound activity of Ochotona alpina (Mammalia, Lagomorpha). A. Nikolski & T. Mukhamediev (Moscow, Russia)
15. Intra- and interindividual variations in the song of the Little Bunting (Emberiza pusilla) K.-H Frommolt (Berlin, Germany)
16. Vocalisations in Japanese Macaque infants (Macaca fuscata): individual differences and parameter dynamics. T Riede (Berlin, Germany).