XI IBAC Symposium
Cambridge, England
14-17 September 1989

Organised by
R H Kettle, The British Library Sound Archive, London.

Held at Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

Proceedings published in Bioacoustics 2:163-170

University of Cambridge, England 1989.
Tony Baylis, Chris Watson, Richard Ranft (photo: P. Sellar)


University of Cambridge, England 1989. Lecture theatre (photo: P. Sellar)


University of Cambridge, England 1989.
Discussion group including Simon Elliott, Chris Edwards, Ron Kettle, John Burton (photo: P. Sellar)



Thursday 14 September 1989

arrival and registration

21.00 welcome and introduction Patrick Sellar, IBAC Chairman


Friday 15 September 1989

09.30-10.00 Birds’ long-range communication systems T. Aubin and JC Bremond

10.00-10.30 Role of sound in recognition of mother hen by chick. J.P. Kent

11.00-11.45 Organisation and year-to-year changes in the song of the Starling Sturnus vulgaris PF Jenkins & M Adret-Hausberger

11.45-12.15 The complete vocabulary of the Garden Warbler Sylvia borin. VC Lewis

afternoon tour of Cambridge colleges


17.00-17.30 sonograms from a personal computer D Watts

17.30-18.00 Sound analysis and synthesis using a microcomputer J.P. Richard

18.00-18.30 R-DAT digital recording S Wahlstrom



Saturday 16 September 1989

09.00-09.30 Calls of the Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelaqicus V Bretagnolle

09.30-10.00 Foraging behaviour and echolocation in British bats G Jones

10.00-10.30 Sound production in the Freshwater Goby Padogobius martensi (video) M Lugli, G Pavan & P. Torricelli

11.00-11.30 Acoustic signals of the nocturnal lizard Gekko gecko C. Brillet & M. Paillette

11.30-12.00 Cercopithecine phylogeny. J-P Gautier

14.00-14.30 Bird sound recordings in the Soviet Union B Veprintsev

14.30-15.00 Bioacoustics Study Group at the Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba, Japan. T Oba

15.00-15.30 The British Library of Wildlife Sounds— 20 years service to bioacoustics research R Ranft

15.30-16.00 21 years of the Wildlife Sound Recording Society. R Margoschis

17.00-17.30 The future of IBAC and symposia P Sellar

18.00-18.30 'Summernight Feelings' (Recordings from Finland) V. Neuvonen


Sunday 17 September 1989

Excursions by car to Wicken Fen Nature Reserve or Minsmere RSPB Nature Reserve, with packed lunches.