III IBAC Symposium
Cleres, Rouen, France
4-7 October 1973

Organised by
Dr Claude Chappuis

Held at Cleres, Rouen, N. France.




Thursday 4 October 1973

Arrival & registration
Presentations of recordings, new recording techniques etc

Friday 5 October 1973

M Kreutzer: Dialects of the Wren Troglodytes troglodytes
P Bondesen: The amount of information of various types of motif songs within the Passerines
J Bremond: Paramètres physiques des chants assurant la spécificité des Phylloscopus bonelli et sibilatrix
P Szöke: Clarification of he traditional confusion of the concept and ideas concerning bird music
Y Leroy: Transmission héréditaire des stridulations chez les grillons

Saturday 6 October 1973

HR Guttinger: Inborn and acquired elements of the song of the Greenfinch Carduelis chloris
B Tollu: Otaries de la Nouvelle Amsterdam (Arctocephalus tropicalis tropicalis): évolution des manifestations sonores lors du cycle annuel
Excursion to Parc Ornithologique, led by its founder, Jean Delacour

Sunday 7 October 1973

IBAC general meeting and discussion about Biophon
Visits to Rouen or to Parc de Clères