II IBAC Symposium
Sønderborg, Als, Denmark
8-10 September 1972

Organised by
Dr Poul Bondesen
Århus University

Held at Sandbjerg Paloe, near Sønderborg, Als, South Jutland.

Sonderborg, Denmark 1972. (photo: P. Sellar)




Friday, 8 September 1972

Arrival & registration

Welcome by Dr Poul Bondesen

Carl Weismann: The Call Sounds of Passerine Birds

EDH Johnson: The Constitution of IBAC - Proposed Rules


Saturday, 9 September 1972

Jorgen Endberg (Bruel & Kjaer): The Digital Event Recorder

Sten Wahlstrom: Standardisation of Tape Recordings, with special regard to bio-acoustics

Poul Hansen: Relation of the male copulation call to the flight call of House Sparrow and Tree Sparrow.

Poul Bondesen: The figure problem with audio-spectrographic analysis and in the field.

IBAC General Meeting

Films and equipment demonstrations


Sunday, 10 September 1972

Excursion to Als island