I IBAC Symposium
Kinross, Scotland, 27-29 October 1971

Organised by
Patrick Sellar

Held at The Green Hotel, Kinross, Scotland.

Kinross, Scotland 1971:
L to R: Lorenz Ferdinand, Poul Bondesen, John Kirby, Matthew Kirby, Marion Kirby, Carl Weismann



Wednesday, 27 October 1971

Arrival & registration

Raymond Stefanski: Mechanisms of sound production in birds

John Kirby: Some forms of distortion encountered when copying tape recordings


Thursday, 28 October 1971

Patrick Sellar: The new Handbook of the Birds of the Western Palearctic - treatment of vocalisations

Lorenz Ferdinand: Demonstration of the voices of northern waders

Poul Bondesen: International exchange of recordings

Demonstrations of field techniques and equipment


Friday, 29 October 1971

Excursion to view wild geese and swans
